Simple iOS Soundboard App


I shipped an app!


So I just published my first app to the iOS App Store! Yay!!
The goal for this project was to take a relatively simple app concept, but actually go through the process of making it shippable and eventually publish it. And that's pretty much what I did!

WTF is "BattleChamps"?

Granted, this app probably doesn't make sense to you. Let me try to explain: A friend of mine and me have recently been doing a little (German) YouTube gaming series called "BattleChamps" (I guess you could call it some kind of "Let's Play", since it is basically us playing and talking at the same time).
I thought it would be entertaining to have a little soundboard at hand, letting me play sound bites and pieces (things such as the "Jeopardy" theme or a cheering crowd) at any time. So I wrote a little prototype on a longer train ride and tested it out on the show. It was fun and since numerous people asked where to get the app, I thought it would be cool to try and get it on the App Store.

Very fucking simple

I know, I know. The app and its entire concept are incredibly unexciting. The (Swift) code itself is pretty straight forward aswell: I designed the buttons and loaded the images, wired them up in code and played the sounds using AVAudioPlayer. Of course, Auto-Layout was a lot of pain fun and I played around with custom animated transitions as well (This is a fantastic tutorial series).

Going through the different code-signing, certificate-getting, app-reviewing stages of the publishing process was both exciting and overwhelming.. too often I felt like

.. and I honestly didn't really expect it all to work until I saw the actual app online. But that's why it was awesome to have such a non-substantial project whose success is entirely irrelevant.

Oh boy..

I made a little promo video and had a lot of fun doing a parody of the man himself

If you feel like it, you can download the app for free (of course) here:

And as always, I'd be happy to share code or other resources, just or tweet me!
